Home -> Colleges&Departments -> School of Humanities

  Originally founded as the Department of Humanities and Art in 2001,
the School follows the mandate of the university by satisfying the needs and demands of industry and overall social development of the region.
Industrial Art and Design is the key focus, and the courses are designed to meet the requirements of privately owned businesses in Zhejiang Province,
which have been responsible for the development of many well-known Chinese brands and trademarks. Additionally, the entertainment sector of this region is a growing industry, and the School is addressing the need for appropriately trained personnel.
  The School provides a strong academic atmosphere together with a concentration on nurturing the practical and artistic abilities of the students.
Our highly educated teaching staff have made a significant contribution to scientific research in this field, publishing a considerable number of books and articles in their fields of expertise. Additionally, they have embraced educational reform and now deliver relevant courses at a high level of instruction. Several courses have received internal awards of excellence.
  Currently, the school offers three year diplomas and graduates are in demand because of their high standard of personal ethics, professional skills, achievements and future potential.

  Secretarial Studies
  Artistic Design
  Packaging Techniques and Design
  Entertainment Industry Management and Administration
  Landscape Design and Construction
  Additional Electives:
    International Secretarial Studies
    Modern Secretarial Studies
    Environmental Art

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